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quantrr 1.0.1

  • Updated with links to original demo and talk

quantrr 1.0.0

First full release. Includes the following features:

  • “Risk Analysis Report” R Markdown Template for RStudio

  • “Standalone” Quarto site that implements the template and includes the “Widget Management System” example

  • Full documentation at and a Quick Start Guide in the README

Planned, not yet implemented:

  • Logo/Icon

  • “Risk Modeling with quantrr” vignette

quantrr 0.1.0

Initial release. Implements basic package structure and two core functions:

  • lnorm_param(): calculate the parameters of a log normal distribution from the 0.05 and 0.95 quantiles

  • calc_risk(): quantify risk using a Poisson distribution for loss event frequency, and a log-normal distribution for loss event magnitude