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Quantify and Report (Technology) Risk: A streamlined tool designed to make it easier to quantify risk using expert estimation. Given expert estimates for loss frequency and magnitude, generate a report that forecasts losses by risk and in aggregate.

First presented as a demo in my 2024 SIRAcon talk, “UnFAIR: Simplifying and Expanding Technology Risk Quantification.”

Quick Start

  1. Install the latest version of R for your platform from Windows users will also need to install Rtools.
  2. Download and install the Quarto CLI.
  3. Download and extract the “standalone” directory from this repository.
  4. Run RScript setup.R from the standalone directory to install required R packages.
  5. Run quarto preview from the standalone directory to build and display the example analysis.


You can install the development version of quantrr from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Or using renv:

# install.packages("renv")


  • Changelog: See “Changelog” or
  • Planned: TODO